Kirstin's Chronicles

Welcome to the chronicles of my adventures. As I journey with the Lord I hope to share about the people along the way and all that I learn.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Seeing Miracles Happen

Here is just one story of something great that happened on Friday night. This is an email message I received from Julie. "It was so much fun gathering with all the students last night. Seeing so many new and old faces. This is what we are about! Meeting and sharing God’s love with these students. I wanted to tell you a little bit about what God did with Zach last night. There has been a boy named Attila who has been coming for a while (2-3 years) to Fek. And last night he asked Zach more about God and Zach went through the 4 laws with him. He was tracking and following it very intensely. And then a girl who accepted Christ with Zach last year at the end of the year… Brigi came up to them. She watched Zach share the four laws and then she started talking about how this was the best decision of her life and Attila asked “when should I make this decision?” And Brigi said “now.” So, he prayed with them to receive Christ! What a blessing. Not only did Attila accept Christ but Brigi helped, by sharing her testimony and leading Attila to a decision. Praise God. Zach was able to model sharing the gospel, Brigi was able to watch and then share also with Attila using the 4 laws as a tool, and then Attila was given the opportunity to accept Jesus into his heart. What a blessed ministry we are in. I am always amazed that God allows us to do this as our full time job!!! Aren’t we blessed? Zach will share more about this at staff meeting on Wed. I just wanted to share as well, because I am so excited that Attila made a decision for Christ!!! What an answer to prayer. " Posted by Picasa


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