Kirstin's Chronicles

Welcome to the chronicles of my adventures. As I journey with the Lord I hope to share about the people along the way and all that I learn.

Monday, May 23, 2011

A simple yet profound quote

"Nothing that we despise in the other man is entirely absent from ourselves. We must learn to regard people less in the light of what they do or don't do, and more in light of what they suffer." Dietrich Bonhoeffer-written from a concentration camp.

(The above taken from the book UnChristian)

Compassion. Such an amazingly deep concept. In my desire to see justice done I know I struggle at times with offering compassion. Or at least my compassion is for one individual over another. Yet what would it look like to be a truly compassionate person. To look beyond the actions or offense and see the wound in the person. Brokenness in our world continues to perpetuate hurt and even greater brokenness. Yet Jesus embraced the broken. He sat, ate, celebrated and just listened to those who were hurting. He saw beyond society's view of people and embraced who the person was in their innermost being. Recognizing the beauty deep within and their need for a Savior. Such love and grace. I love that He gives so abundantly of himself and transforming us to become who we were meant to be. That through Him we can offer compassion to those around us.


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