Kirstin's Chronicles

Welcome to the chronicles of my adventures. As I journey with the Lord I hope to share about the people along the way and all that I learn.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

I joined the HumanRace

So on my quest to become a runner I have been working my way up different distances leading up the the half marathon. I can hardly believe it is a little over a month away. Yikes. But this past weekend Nike put on a worldwide running event called the HumanRace 10K. It sounded like fun when I first read about it in that the whole world was to be running that day. Then I find out that Starbucks and Road Runner sports along with Nike were going to have a special free 10K event at Greenlake. Perfect I thought I could run with a large group and run a 10K for free! It is always so exciting to be part of a race with your number pinned on and running a course with lots of other runners. So I ran....

Then throughout the day I had a few thoughts about running, perseverance and stuff like that. I was thinking about with muscles how you break them down to make them stronger. As well how trials do the same thing in our lives. That walking through the trial is incredibly difficult and challenging and yet once through how much stronger our faith becomes. Also with plants there is a pruning to help further growth and in the fall a dying back. Isn't it like God to show us in so many different ways about the same thing. As so many people in my life are facing trials that are incredibly difficult I am in awe of watching them choose faith and trust and persevere. You are my heroes.


Blogger Julie said...

yeah, Zach just ran the half marathon here in Bp, his dad called him the day before and asked him if he wanted to run...and he did and it was 95 outside and disguisting... glad it wasn't me!

How are you? Ashley was just here with a group for a week. I didn't see her, but it was odd she wanted to come back.

How is support?

4:18 PM  

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