Kirstin's Chronicles

Welcome to the chronicles of my adventures. As I journey with the Lord I hope to share about the people along the way and all that I learn.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

More inspiring thoughts

So I am actually not much of a blog reader. I think I would enjoy them but I just don't seem to take the time to search out those that would inspire me. Yet I have been so struck by the comments of Q ideas. I have loved reading Gabe Lyons book and all the great thinkers that write for their blog which gets sent to my inbox frequently. The more I read the more I want to read. Oh that I could write and think with such grace and vision. Anyway I thought I would post a quote from one of the articles written by Tim Keller. Another amazing thinker and a man who seems to embody what it means to dwell on the Gospel and let that influence his life.

"The gospel doesn't change us in a mechanical way. To give the gospel primacy in our lives is not always to logically infer a series of principles from it that we then "apply" to our lives. Recently I heard a sociologist say that, for the most part, the frameworks of meaning by which we navigate our lives are so deeply embedded in us that they operate "pre-reflectively." They don't exist only as a list of propositions and formulations, but also as themes, motives, attitudes, and values that are as affective and emotional as they are cognitive and intellectual. When we listen to the gospel preached, or meditate on it in the Scripture, we are driving it so deeply into our hearts, imaginations, and thinking that we begin to "live out" the gospel instinctively." ~Tim Keller

I pray that I can more fully embrace the dwelling on the Gospel and let that transform my heart and life.


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