Life is a Marathon
I have heard this phrase used so many times, "the Christian life is like a marathon not a sprint." In a sense I understood the concept but not really what that actually felt like or meant.
This past weekend I completed my second marathon and the spiritual parallels abound. I definitely now have a greater picture and understanding of this phrase. Since I haven't written anything for some time I thought I would put down a few thoughts and observations. I am not a very fast runner so really during the race I had a lot of time to think and reflect.
I guess what struck me most in just how much you have to mentally push through to endure and get to the finish line. I have been training now for the past three years to become a runner but somewhere in the midst of the run I had to start telling myself mantras to keep going. I knew I had been training and that physically my body could do it but "WOW" does your mind ever play tricks on you and challenge you to quit. Isn't this the same in our walk of faith? So many times we are bombarded by lies and challenges to just give up and give in to temptation. Yet it is in those times I have to renew my mind and remind myself of God's Word. To keep pushing through and know that there will be a finish line.
So from there I thought about the training it took to even get to signing up for the race and believing I could finish. Each week I put in hours of running and cross training to push myself beyond the physical boundaries of what is comfortable. Then I get to build upon what I have accomplished to go further and make even greater strides. Same in my spiritual life. As I dig into God's Word and allow Him to mold me and make me more of who He has created me to be it at times is very painful and uncomfortable. Yet there is a sweetness in it as well as others share the difference of what they see God doing in my life. I think of this as well when I can see that transformation happening in the women's lives I disciple. I know their stories and the pain and discomfort they have walked through. But I also have watched them bravely engage with the Lord and allowed Him access to take them deeper and go farther in their intimacy with Him. Just like my training there are seasons that are more challenging and seasons of rest that combine to move me closer to the goal of the finish line.
One thing that has helped tremendously in my running has been my running coach. I have a great coach who works with me and sends me the instructions on what to do each week so that I can accomplish my goals. She is a fantastic runner and marvelous cheerleader. She is way more accomplished than I will ever be in running but that is okay as she has taken me from the girl who could barely run for thirty minutes to a completing the marathon. This too has all sorts of spiritual principles. I cherish the many people who have gone before me. Those who I learn from in God's Word, in books and also those I know personally. I know God created us to be in relationship with others and what a picture of that with a coach. He is the ultimate coach and guide and yet I do believe he puts people into our lives who can challenge, encourage, and come alongside as we seek to run the race marked out for us.
The other interesting thing with a coach is that they can help but my coach cannot run the race for me or do the handwork physically to get me to the finish line. She is my cheerleader and encourager but I was the one who had to endure the rain, the cold and the distance to get the medal at the end.
This current race I did by myself. For five very long hours I put one foot in front of the other making my way through the streets of Seattle. At some moments I would just look around and gaze at what I was seeing. At other times I cheered on other runner's as they passed me or I passed them. Sometimes I prayed and other times I chanted to myself hoping no one could hear me. (Not wanting to come across as crazy)
This year throughout much of the race there was this group of women nearby. Sometimes in front or behind but I noticed they stuck together and did the race together. As I thought about doing another race in the future this is what I would hope for. To find others to join with me in the journey. It be able to share in the pain and the triumph. To be able to encourage and be encouraged. Again so many spiritual principles. We are created for community. To be able to join with others in our faith journeys and run alongside each other. I am excited as I have now joined a group of runners and am looking forward to be more a part of that community and hopefully find others at my pace to do another race.
One more thought as I looked back at the first attempt last year. As I sought to do my very first marathon last year I got about halfway through and had pretty excruciating pain in my knees as I ran. So for much of the second half I had to walk. It was so incredibly frustrating as my goal was to run the entire race. But even in this the principles abound. That finishing with a limp so to speak I still finished. Yet that became the driving force to train even harder and better so that this year the race could go better. Also I have to continue to give grace to myself to just be in process. Which is absolutely crucial in our faith journey. That the Lord is guiding and leading and so abundantly gracious with us.
I know that none of these thoughts are new and that many others have written more eloquently about their experience but I am grateful to have been able to finish the race marked out for me last weekend. I am grateful to be able to truly understand that life is more a marathon than a sprint. Who knows if I will try that distance again but as for running that is now a part of me and I cannot imagine not continuing to create goals and train and be able to see what my body can do.
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