Kirstin's Chronicles

Welcome to the chronicles of my adventures. As I journey with the Lord I hope to share about the people along the way and all that I learn.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

For You Olivia

Today I received the most precious phone call. Yes my dear friend Olivia called to say hello and catch up on life. She chastised me for not updating my blog so as to not disappoint I thought I would write about her. She is one amazing girl. She is living in Budapest with her family and finishing her final year of high school. I had the amazing privilege of being involved in her life last year through discipleship, can I just say she makes me smile. This year it has been great to stay in touch through email and phone calls. She is leading other girls now in Bible study and outreach and I couldn't be more proud. Love the lessons of serving the Lord whether others will join you or not. If you want to hear more from her check out her blog You won't be disappointed. Love you Olivia, keep pressing on.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Autumn Beauty

When the sun is shining the there is a chill in the air it is absolutely beautiful. Over the past few weeks I have had the chance to go on prayer walks with a good friend and just praise God for all He had done and seek Him for all there is in the future. On one of our walks we took a picture of the beauty that God has created and I thought I would share it with you. Enjoy!