Kirstin's Chronicles

Welcome to the chronicles of my adventures. As I journey with the Lord I hope to share about the people along the way and all that I learn.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Some Thoughts on Rest

Have you ever noticed that at times a similar thought or idea keeps coming to you through a variety of ways? There has been an ongoing thought in my head that has bounced around for a while never quite finding its landing place yet. I definitely think God is teaching me something but the picture is still in process. It is like the brush strokes are being painted but the image is not quite clear.

It is all around the idea of rest and God's grace. Intellectually I have studied both and at times have even spoken to the idea. But just like a beautiful masterpiece there are many layers and the beauty of the piece is not always fully appreciated by the first glance.

So over the past few months I have kept coming back to this idea or it has been coming back to me. Last week as I was looking at a running website looking at future races there was an article about rest. Intrigued I clicked on the link. It lead me to an interesting 60 Minutes video on the effects that lack of sleep has on our bodies and mind and how we don't fully perceive how truly devastating the effects are but just feel a little tired and keep pushing through.

Then awhile ago I picked up the book "The Rest of God" by Mark Buchanan. In the midst of other things and busyness just never got around to reading it. But as it sat on my bookshelf it kept being in my line of sight. So I pulled it down and started reading and have been challenged ever since. Mark speaks of the idea of Sabbath not just as a day but as more than that as a way to restore our souls. I wanted to share just a few thoughts from what I have read. Although I have yet to finish I am truly enjoying reading and contemplating the thoughts he presents.

Mark writes

-Wise people ask, Does the path I'm walking lead to a place I want to go? If I keep heading this way, will I like where I arrive?

-Real Sabbath, the kind that empties and fills us, depends on the second condition, on complete confidence and trust. Confidence and trust like that rooted in a deep conviction that God is good and God is sovereign.

- When we stop caring about the things we care about - that's a signal we are too busy. Busyness kills the heart and robs us of knowing God the way we might.

- This is the essence of a Sabbath heart: paying attention to God.

So as I come to my email today I have a friend's newsletter waiting in my inbox. Realizing in the moment I don't have time to read it yet I set it aside for later. Of course as I came back home this afternoon and opened it up and realized it was about busyness I had to chuckle. If you want to check her thoughts out go to and go to the Newsletters section.

So I don't know completely what God is saying to my heart but I know He is speaking. I am loving listening to his voice more closely and sitting waiting as the picture because more clear as I learn to distinguish the Master's brush strokes.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


I thought I would post of few pictures of a fun way to engage in spiritual conversations. This new tool is a way to listen and hear what people are thinking about their lives. If you want to check out some of their answers look at Enjoy!
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Monday, June 09, 2008

Sitting in Panera

So there are days when I pack up my computer and head out to a local coffee shop to work. It is nice that I have a job where I can be mobile. But I never quite know who I will see or what fun conversations I might get to have that day when I am out.

A few months ago I ran into a girl I grew up with. It was so much fun getting to catch up and hear about what has happened in her life since high school and to be able to share with her about what God has done in my life. Funny thing is both of us hated junior high and high school and now we both have a heart for young girls facing those same challenges. She is working with the junior high girls at her church and I continue to desire to reach out to girls on the high school and college campus. What fun.

Well back to today. I am sitting chatting online and listening to music on my laptop and I notice this group of people at a table just up the way. I see one guy come in with his Bible and I think oh this group is having a Bible study. But then as I look over I see it is two couples and a single (as in by himself) guy and only the one guy has a Bible. Then something caught my attention. one of the men was looking so lovingly into the girls sweet. Oh wait she is repeating back something the other man is saying. Wait I pull out my headphones....she is saying her vows. A wedding! Yup that is what was happening quietly in Panera I just witnessed a couple getting married at a table in Panera Bread. How exciting seeing another couple find each other and begin a new life together. Or at least I am hoping that is the case since I have no idea the story.

Anyway people watching is so interesting and yet filled with so much that is unknown. I guess it continues to remind me that peoples stories are fascinating and what a joy it is when someone shares their story with you.

So if you see me in Panera feel free to come up and say hello. I would love to hear your story.