Kirstin's Chronicles

Welcome to the chronicles of my adventures. As I journey with the Lord I hope to share about the people along the way and all that I learn.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Running with the Ladies

So on Sunday my mom, sisters and me ran the St Patty's Day Dash. It was 3.5 miles with me and my closest 20,000 friends. It was crazy can you imagine running with that many people down the streets of Seattle. As I dodged people and was passed by others I enjoyed stretching my ability to become a runner. We also thought it would be fun to dress up and so we made crazy t-shirts and hats and all sorts of other green things.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Leadership Night

It was a night full of sharing and engaging on the idea of leadership. How better to learn about Biblical leadership than to look at those who have walked with the Lord before us in the Bible. The students were GREAT! I love being around their passion and heart to be available to God and willing to step out in faith and trust Him with big things on their campus.

Here is pic from our group looking at the lives of Esther and Peter.
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