Kirstin's Chronicles

Welcome to the chronicles of my adventures. As I journey with the Lord I hope to share about the people along the way and all that I learn.

Monday, February 27, 2012

What are you thinking about?

A friend once told me about the power of presence.  That the things that are around you and/or the people that you around have an influence on what you notice and what you think about.  (I don’t think I am getting the idea or definition quite right but you get the idea).

So that question is been running through my brain.  What are the things I am thinking about?  Lately I have been in many conversations about injustice and looking at what does it mean to be an advocate for the “least of these”.   That injustice comes in many forms but I have the power and ability to make a difference and have influence.  How am I going to use that power?  Am I going to step into the uncomfortable and really think about my choices and the ways I use my time, resources and skills? 

After my recent trip to Cambodia, watching a film about the misrepresentation of women in the media, a great sermon at church and just various other conversations I am convinced that I need to move my thinking into action and really be intentional about this area of my life.   To advocate and be a voice for those whose voice and story needs to be heard.

The picture is one that a teammate took while in Cambodia.  It is both incredibly beautiful and heart-wrenching at the same time.  May this spur us all on to ask the question what I am I thinking about and will that spur me on to action?
In Cambodia as we walked to lunch

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A little taste of our trip

The team at the retreat
At a wedding
Riding in the Tuk Tuk our main mode of transportation
Visiting Andong

The cow really did just walk right on by us
A sampling of the culinary delights we tried...or at least attempted to figure out what it was.
At the gulf of Thailand
Students at the Retreat

Visiting TransWorld Radio and the Russian Market

A little Angkor Wat

The monkey that stole the water bottle

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hope for Cambodia

DP Retreat in Sihanoukville

What an amazing few days on the Gulf of Thailand.  Now after returning from Cambodia I am finally getting a chance to put up a few pictures and write a few thoughts.  The jet lag is slowly wearing off but the memories remain strong.

I am so impressed by the students of the Diamond Program.  They were so eager to learn and grow in their walks with the Lord.  There is such a vibrancy when you see the Spirit of God in another person.  Even when language is a hurdle it can be overcome when smiles abound.  Each meal time was spend laughing enjoying new friends and some different foods.  Then we had our times together in the hotel connecting and building unity amongst the different leaders.   Watching these young leaders soak in all that materials as well as the fun you could see that Cambodia will never be the same.

Many came from small provinces and would be taking back all they learn to teach others.  There was one session where the students rushed over with their flash drives to get the outline from the presenter.  I had the privilege to lead a devotional one morning and I loved watching them engage in small groups talking about a short film I showed.  I hesitated to break it up as there was so much conversation in the room but I longed to hear their thoughts.  

I continue to pray for them as they will face many obstacles in a country that continues to struggle with many issues but they are the ones who offer hope.