Kirstin's Chronicles

Welcome to the chronicles of my adventures. As I journey with the Lord I hope to share about the people along the way and all that I learn.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Another fun waterfall after our time in the Word

So we seemed to always be near a waterfall after our life group time. So of course another time for a picture. During the summer we studied the Sermon on the Mount. It was such fun leading these women and then the next week they would lead their own group of women in the same study. Multiplication at work. I have to say it is also really humbling and challenging knowing that I am giving them an example of how to approach the time and the Word. Thankfully each one of these women is so amazingly gifted and talented that I loved watching them dig deep and connect relationally with each other and then bring that to their groups. We also had the gift of having Amy join our time. Amy as well is this amazing woman of God with such great insight and skills in ministry whose main focus this summer was her two beautiful little girls but I feel so blessed that she was able to join us for small group.
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Coaching amazing women!

Nik, Jen and Macy at our life group time. After we met that morning to discuss the Sermon on the Mount we headed out to Eagle Falls to spend some time hiking together talking through what God had been teaching us throughout the summer. I love these women and the depth of their thoughts. It was great talking about how in our sin we compare ourselves to others but instead when we look to the Lord we see who we really are and how much He loves us.
The lower Eagle Falls. God does amazing work doesn't he? It is fun talking about how magnificent God is and then going out and being in a place that just shouts of the glory of the work of his hands. I happen to really like hiking so it brings such joy to my soul being out with others talking deeply and seeing the beauty the surrounds.
Here were are at the end of our time. It was fun even as we were looking at the falls we got into a conversation with a family who was visiting from Texas. The wife was a ultra-runner and her husband was her coach. It was fun hearing their story and what had brought them to Tahoe.
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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Baptism at the Beach

What a special way to celebrate the 4th! On Sunday 22 students and staff were baptized in Lake Tahoe. It was a joyous occasion for all present.

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