Kirstin's Chronicles

Welcome to the chronicles of my adventures. As I journey with the Lord I hope to share about the people along the way and all that I learn.

Monday, December 22, 2008

More Snow!

We awoke this morning to more snow. The finally tally looks like 10 inches at least. The whole city is covered in a blanket of white which is very beautiful but I am ready for our typical Seattle rain to come back. I guess from the weather reports we may have a white Christmas after all. Too bad no one can get anywhere. Since the airport has cancelled flights, the trains are running and I think even Metro buses are not running many routes. I am sure glad we stocked up before all this. If you want some fun Christmas cookies I have baked a fun dozen so head on over. :)

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Snowed In

So it started snowing Wednesday night and hasn't really stopped yet. Thursday we awoke to about 6 inches of snow on the ground and freezing temperatures. Then on Friday the roads were finally a little clear on the main streets but only partly. Our hill that we live on has become a prime sledding hill so you can imagine driving down a sheet of ice is a little tricky. I think I mostly slid down when I went out on Saturday morning to hit up the grocery store and Costco before the big storm was to hit Saturday night. Well it came and with it probably another three to six inches of snow and ice. Then this morning the snow started about 4 am and hasn't stopped all day long. Thankfully my sister has a four-wheel drive truck so for a little entertainment for the day I drove to the grocery store. But for the most part I have worked on craft projects, baked massive amount of cookies, been online, watch way too much tv and talked with family in other parts of the city. The interesting thing is a cousin came over yesterday to take the train to Los Angeles today. The left at 5 am from the house but have been sitting in the train station all day long. Why Amtrak can't seem to get the train out of the train station I am not sure. So we are praying that maybe by 10 PM tonight the train might actually leave or we might be out again to pick them up and bring them back here for the night. Whew! Snow in Seattle is quite a tricky thing.

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Thursday, December 04, 2008

Good Dirty Fun at the Winter Pineapple Classic

So here we are having some fun at the Winter Pineapple Classic. It is a 5k race to support the Lukemia and Lymphona society. Over the course of 3.1 miles we climbed through 3 sets of tubes, went over 4 walls, went through a variety of tire obstacles and even under some bars close to the ground. We also hurdled hay bales and at the end went across a set of monkey bars. I might be forgetting a few but we did this all while carrying a pineapple. It was a fun day with friends working as a team of four. We knew we would get dirty but we all were thankful it was a glorious Seattle Sunday. No rain just a little wet from the previous night. Not sure if we will compete again but it did remind us of all the fun we had as kids in a playground.
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