Thoughts from a book
As always I am deep within another book. I think I should just put a bookshelf by my bed instead of a table. Right now I am reading a book called "UnChristian". It is so intriguing and thought-provoking as the authors discuss "what a new generation thinks about Christianity".
So in the current chapter the idea of helping people develop in spiritual formation has come up. Something with which I whole-heartily agree is crucial to seeing the next generation raised up in faith. So I thought I would put down some of their thoughts.
Quoted from the book
One way of looking at spiritual formation, though certainly not the only way, is to examine the passions that should define a Christ follower. In our work at Barna, we examine these seven elements.
- Worshiping God intimately and passionately
- engaging in spiritual friendships with other believers
- pursuing faith in the context of family
- embracing intentional forms of spiritual growth
- serving others
- investing time and resources in spiritual pursuits
- having faith-based conversations with outsiders.
As I looked over the list it makes me consider where are these priorities in my own life and am I exemplifying them to those around me. Am I leading students to consider what it means to truly be a Christ follower and walk faithfully with Him.
Looking forward to continuing further in the book and continuing to ponder what this means to a future generation.